Discover your purpose with ADM!

I am running this course on Thursday nights in November. Come into the city and join me.

Discover your Purpose with ADM! (Anglican Deaconess Ministries)

Thursdays in November

ADM is excited to offer Seed's Purpose Discovery Course, which provides a foundation for people learning to live a life aligned with God's purposes, enabling them to become agents for change in the workplaces, communities and cultures where God has placed them.

The course is for anyone who:
- Wants to discover God’s purposes for the world and how their own purpose and calling fit with God’s purposes.
- Is at a transition point in life and is looking for guidance about what to do in the next phase of life
- Wants to develop greater meaning in what they do
- Wants to learn to connect what they do with their faith

Participants will:
- Develop a clearer understanding of their God-given purpose and meaning
- Identify parts of their lives that are aligned or not aligned with their purpose
- Begin to see how they can be effective instruments for change where God has placed them
- Develop an action plan to help them better align their various roles and tasks with their purpose

Each course uses Seed's specially developed Purpose Storyboard which helps you reflect on the things that have shaped you in the past, your desires for the future, your particular gifts, skills and passions and the communities/cultures that you serve.

Thursday evenings in November (3, 10, 17, 24) from 7.30–9.15pm

ADM offices, Level 1, St Andrew's House, Town Hall

$65 for students, $95 for workers (with subsidy from ADM)

Monday, 31st October to: