Here is an actual copy of Workship 2: How to Flourish at Work
On Saturday 2nd June I will be in Singapore launching the second volume of Workship 2.
I often describe writing a book as the process of giving birth. I find the writing lots of fun, and in some ways that is the easy part. The gestation is the long process of checking and monitoring with the editor (midwife) and the publisher (gynaecologist).
Naming can be tricky. It is hard to please everyone. In this case I wanted to keep the family name (Workship).
Although there is often a lot of focus on the birth, in fact it is after that when all the fun begins! There is literally a village required to raise the child. There are distributors, those who endorsed the book, the faith and work community, reviewers, media outlets, and those passionate to get the message out.
Most importantly, this book needs friends: individual readers who will see the potential and work with Workship 2 to live out the message. The book also needs mentors: church leaders who help the message to bear fruit in their communities.
I guess this book launch is like a baptism. I will be teaching at Wesley Methodist church in Singapore, virtually making promises on behalf of the book. I am grateful to Patrick Chua for his support. Here are the details of the Grace at Work Marketplace Seminars.
Seminar 1: Our Work as Worship
(8.30am–12.30pm, suitable for workplace Christians)
In this seminar we will look at the challenges and possibilities of worshipping God through our work. How significant is our work in God's kingdom? How can we identify as Christians in the workplace? How can we stay focused on God in our daily work?
Seminar 2: Our Calling to Work
(1.30–4.30pm, suitable for campus students and young adults)
In this seminar we will look at the place of ordinary work in God's purposes. Is our work meaningful? How can we make a difference in our workplace? What are the challenges in the transition from being a student to the workforce?
Find out more here
I am grateful to the team at Graceworks who have made this possible including Bernice, Charmain, Soo Inn, Chloe and Priscilla.
May God use this book to empower Christians in the workplace, and to enable churches to equip their workplace Christians.