Photo by Kelvyn Ornettte Sol Marte on Unsplash
When I wrote my book Workship, I wrote it for all Christians who work, who feel that God was not interested in what they do for the majority of their lives, unless they happen to share the gospel with a co-worker.
On Saturday I was speaking with two women about my book, and they immediately responded by saying they talk about Jesus when they can but it is difficult in their workplace.
They had immediately fallen into the error that the only way to worship God with your work is via evangelism.
I tried to affirm them in their jobs, thanking them for their role in God's sustaining and compassionate work. I sensed a disconnect still.
It struck me that it was really difficult for them to imagine that there was any value in their work; any value to God or to the church.
I wish they would read the book!
It helped to explain to me why it is women in particular who have valued my book. It has resonated with women because in church they not only have to contend with the belief that the only activity God is interested in is prayer, Bible, church and evangelism; they also have to put up with the church idolatry of motherhood: that women's value is determined by our ability to fall pregnant and bear children.
The women in our churches often feel insignificant and marginalised in carrying out the great plan of God in the world.
The women who have read my book suddenly see how all their roles and all their working — paid and unpaid — fit into the big story of God.
They look around themselves with new eyes, seeing God at work, at their work, and partner with him in the great gospel project of redeeming every nook and cranny of their world.