Living our faith out at work


In a couple of weeks I will be inducted into a PhD program as I get serious about researching how we can better equip Christians for the workplace.

In my experience there is a variety of content offered through theological colleges, professional organisations, churches, parachurch groups and Christian higher education providers.

There are some basic distinctions in this material that cause issues for anyone wanting to genuinely integrate their faith with their work:

Internal (example: character) vs External (example: worldviews)

Sacred (example: Bible studies) vs Secular (example: ethics)

Ministry (example: evangelism) vs Work (example: calling)

Knowledge (example: biblical narrative) vs Skills (example: apologetical conversations)

Foundation (example: spiritual disciplines) vs Expression (example: church-work balance)

Being (example: theology of work) vs Doing (example: working excellently)

These binaries mean that individuals have to make the connection between the lists on the left and the lists on the right. To make the issue more difficult for the individual workplace Christian, the list on the left is always prioritised and valued more highly than the list on the right.

I am excited to begin asking workplace Christians what they would prioritise to help them in the process of integration.